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Clark Pest Control, Termite Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Dogs Inspection, Home Pest Control, Termite Control, Termite Bait System, Termite Treatments, Bed Bug Services, Bed Bug Heat Treatments, Bed Bug Treatments, K9 Bed Bug Detection,  Commercial Pest Control

Perros de detección de chinches - K9 - Atlanta

Nuestros equipos para perros con sensor de chinches pueden inspeccionar con precisión su hogar o negocio para averiguar si hay actividad. Y ubicación ... Podemos hacer 1 unidad de apartamento o una instalación completa. Senior Living - Hogares de ancianos. Campamentos, centros de rehabilitación de drogas, etc.

Perros Chinches - Atlanta

Estamos orientados a la visión. Hablamos en términos de visión. "Deberías haber visto lo que vi esta mañana" "   Si los perros pudieran hablar, dirían "Deberías haber olido lo que yo olí esta mañana".  Un sentido principal de los perros es su sentido del olfato. Nuestros perros están entrenados y calibrados constantemente como un instrumento científico.

Después de muchos, muchos ejercicios, los desarrollamos constantemente para poder realizar inspecciones asombrosas en el campo. El manejador es responsable de la salud y el bienestar del animal. Nunca son recompensados sin verificación.  Usamos los K9 para ayudarnos a encontrar chinches o evidencia. Actualmente tenemos 5 K9 y los amamos a todos como a nuestros hijos.  Es muy gratificante trabajar con ellos, ya que sus actitudes son incomparables. Algunos de nuestros mejores y más felices clientes son aquellos que descubrieron que, después de todo, no tienen chinches.

Clark Pest Control, Termite Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Dogs Inspection, Home Pest Control, Termite Control, Termite Bait System, Termite Treatments, Bed Bug Services, Bed Bug Heat Treatments, Bed Bug Treatments, K9 Bed Bug Detection,  Commercial Pest Control

Inspecciones precisas de chinches: eficiente

Nuestros perros pasan por rigurosos ejercicios de entrenamiento y calibración. Son monitoreados constantemente por sus habilidades. Realmente no es difícil para ellos cuando salen al campo. los preparamos para cualquier escenario.

Clark Pest Control, Termite Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Dogs Inspection, Home Pest Control, Termite Control, Termite Bait System, Termite Treatments, Bed Bug Services, Bed Bug Heat Treatments, Bed Bug Treatments, K9 Bed Bug Detection,  Commercial Pest Control

Instalaciones de vivienda para personas de la tercera edad: viviendas de varias unidades

los sensores de perros son una manera perfecta de administrar la vida de las personas mayores y cualquier otra instalación de unidades múltiples. Con 5 K9 podemos intercambiarlos dentro y fuera, utilizando perros nuevos y completar muchas unidades de forma rápida y precisa. Muchas instalaciones nos piden que hagamos barridos trimestrales para estar al tanto de su programa de manejo de chinches.

Nuestros perros con sensor de chinches en acción

Satisfacción garantizada

Garantizamos la precisión y los hallazgos de nuestro equipo K9

También verificamos actividad.

Sensor Bed Bug Dog- FAQ’s


I have marks on my skin. Could it be bed bugs ?

Ans.  It could be bed bugs but it also could be many other issues that is causing it.  Go by evidence.

Having. Sensor Bed Bug dogs complete an inspection for you will define the absence or presence and the location if it exists.


I have been traveling and may have had some bed bugs at my hotel. Does that mean I have them at home now ?

Ans. No. It means that if there were bed bugs at the hotel you possibly can bring them home in your belongings. But doesn’t mean you did.  Sensor Dogs can detect even the smallest amount of infestation.


I am moving into a new place. How can I insure the previous occupants didn’t leave bed bugs behind.

Ans. We see this frequently.  Rental management rarely inspects for bed bugs after a move out. When a new tenant moves in and complains of bed bugs right away, there is a battle. The new tenant didn’t have bed bugs before and now they do. There’s no way for management to prove the tenant is responsible. However, if they did a Sensor Bed Bug Dog inspection before this would not be an issue.


I manage a multi-unit complex in Atlanta. How can a Sensor Dog Inspection be useful to me ?

Ans.  By knowing which units have infestation and which do not, you can clean up an infested property. We provide Quarterly Sweeps after treatments to assure the problem is resolved. You can have 150 units inspected for about the cost of 1 units treatment.


How are the dogs trained  to find bed bugs ?

Ans.  We are vision oriented. A dog is not. Their sense of smell is their greatest sense. We imprint the scent and the rest of their lives revolve around detecting bed bugs.  They know the scent of a live bed bug and can discriminate somewhat like a rainbow appears to us.  And pick out the red vs. blue.

We use other insects and dead bed bugs as negatives in their training exercises, which they perform daily. They are calibrated like a scientific instrument.


Can the dogs work around people ?

Ans. Yes, they love people. And people love them, especially after finding out they are bed bug free.  We use non-intimidating dogs.  They are around people daily.


When a dog responds to bed bugs, what happens next ?

Ans. We then inspect and verify activity.  Almost every time we can easily find the evidence.  When they put you right on the problem it’s much easier to verify. They are not rewarded without verification.  The dogs help US find bed bugs. They are so accurate.


How long does Bed Bug K9 inspection take ?

Ans.  On a normal residential house with 3 beds and 2 baths it will normally take about 30- 45 minutes. Multi-Unit properties, a 1 bed units takes about 5-10 minutes. Or less


What Areas Do You Cover ?

We cover the Greater Atlanta and Macon Areas. We travel all over the South doing Quarterly Sweeps and Multi- Unit locations. We are called in to help other pest control operators with bed bug issues.

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Clark Pest Control, Termite Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Inspection Treatment, Bed Bugs Dogs Inspection, Home Pest Control, Termite Control, Termite Bait System, Termite Treatments, Bed Bug Services, Bed Bug Heat Treatments, Bed Bug Treatments, K9 Bed Bug Detection,  Commercial Pest Control

© 2021 por Clark Pest Remedy Inc. McDonough, Georgia

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